
Publications from

Many of our publications over the last few years have been put on the archive, which you can find here.  The advantage is that anyone can access these papers.



  • A. M. Tyryshkin, J. J. L. Morton, A. Ardavan, and S. A. Lyon, Davies electron-nuclear double resonance revisited: Enhanced sensitivity and nuclear spin relaxation, Journal Of Chemical Physics 124 (2006).
  • H. Malissa, W. Jantsch, G. Chen, D. Gruber, H. Lichtenberger, F. Schaffler, Z. Wilamowski, A. Tyryshkin, and S. A. Lyon, Investigation of the spin properties of electrons in zero-dimensional sige structures by electron paramagnetic resonance, Materials Science And Engineering B-Solid State Materials For Advanced Technology 126, 172 (2006).